Visitor management system with Self Declaration and Temperature Screening
Visitor Management

Visitor Management System with Self Declaration and Temperature Screening

The aftermath of the COVID 19 pandemic has made visitor management solutions a crucial part of workplace safety and security. This year witnessed a huge number of businesses re-opening and getting back on track. One thing that is common to businesses of all kinds, types and sizes is that they are willing to go the extra mile to provide security and safety to employees returning to the office. 

Visitor management solutions with features like self-declaration and temperature screening have seen a surge in demand in the past two years owing to the fact that no businesses are ready for another shutdown, and are therefore taking measures to ensure workplace safety at full throttle.

Self-declaration and temperature screening solutions can help an organisation take proactive measures in identifying threats/ volatilities/ visitor health conditions, etc making sure your facility is optimized to operate at its best.

How is Self-Declaration Implemented?

Self-Declaration Form

Most visitor management systems have built-in self-declaration forms that enable front desk admins to record and maintain complete details of the visitors entering the facility.

This form is usually composed of statements and questionnaires with questions such as:

  • Do you experience any symptoms like fever, cough or others related to coronavirus?
  • Have you travelled in the past 14 days?
  • Are you aware of the government guidelines to be followed in workplaces?

The form may also ask visitors for their full name, contact numbers, the host’s name (the person they are meeting on the premises), their travel history and previous medical aids. The visitors can also be asked to submit their vaccination certificates with their forms for better protection and security.

How does it work? 

  1. The visitors book an appointment or walk into the lobby.
  2. They are asked to fill in the details of their arrival at the front kiosk.
  3. The visitor is then given a self-declaration form, preferably in digital format and asked to give in the details along with his/her signature. The form also informs the visitor about the safety measures to be followed once inside the office or facility. 
  4. The host is then notified of the arrival of the guest if his form passes at the front reception.

Almost all the visitor management systems allow organisations and businesses to customise their self-declaration forms in order to increase safety in the workplace.

How is the Temperature Check / Thermal Screening Solution Implemented?

Thermal Screening

Thermal screening is a feature that allows companies to check the temperature of their visitors at the front desk. This excellent add-on is crucial in the present situation with the coronavirus posing a serious threat to businesses worldwide. Basically, this is a process of scanning visitors for high body temperatures and is very handy to operate. The sensors can detect the temperatures with high accuracy and can swiftly block the facility for the suspicious visitors or the ones with improper temperatures.

How it Works

  • The visitor scans the QR code and signs in with their app or device while entering the facility.
  • The visitors are asked for proper details and checked for IDs and other paperwork.
  • The temperature is recorded discreetly and the records are maintained in the logs.
  • If there is a situation of high temperatures or other symptoms, instant alerts are sent to the respective hosts and other members of the workplace informing them of the contamination or presence of infection in the workplace.

Benefits of VMS with Self Declaration and Temperature Check Solution

Improved Safety

Businesses, today, face the challenge of maintaining safety on their premises at all times. This is especially difficult when a pandemic like COVID-19 with a high transmission rate can jeopardise the functioning of the entire company. 

Organisations that have a visitor management system with features like self-declaration and temperature checks can easily look for common symptoms. Checking a visitor and employee at the front door itself ensures that even if a person who is carrying the virus tries to enter the office, they are stopped at the right time before causing major damage. Failure to do so can affect the whole staff, compromise the visitor experience and may put everyone’s safety at risk.

Ensuring Compliance

In order to protect the health of employees, the government has laid out some guidelines and norms that are quintessential for businesses reopening. If the organisations or the people working inside or the guests entering the office buildings are not complying with these rules, subsequent security measures and fines can be imposed by the state as well as local governments. In such a fragile working environment, companies cannot afford to go above these norms and are strictly bound to follow all kinds of compliance measures.

With a proper visitor management solution, the guests are not only scanned for their identities but are also made aware of these compliance measures and social distancing guidelines through self-declaration forms. 

Maintained Employee Health

Right after the pandemic hit the globe, businesses have made efforts to ensure workplace safety, making sure their employees are always in good shape and health. In order to do this, companies have resorted to multiple and regular health check-ups, checking for symptoms frequently among staff and maintaining social distancing in the office without any exceptions. 

What if the people coming from outside like vendors, contractors, walk-in candidates, delivery men or clients carry the virus inside the campus or premises? That would beat the whole purpose of taking so many pains to ensure employee safety. Therefore, visitor management systems with suitable features that allow health screening and NDA are highly essential. This way the companies can check for visitors’ health records and take proper precautions by prohibiting access of all those guests or vendors who do not match the requirements beforehand. 

Since the visitor management software operates by installing kiosks or on devices, no-contact interaction is assured. This implies that the receptionist can grant access to guests without touching the belongings or IDs of the visitors frequently. This approach ensures that the employees at the reception are also as protected and healthy as the ones working inside the premises.

Better Contact Tracing

In case of transmission of the virus, it can be very difficult to trace who was infected first in any facility and who all are prone to illness. In normal circumstances, contact tracing is almost impossible if there are no tracks and records of the people who have been to a facility and the people who used a certain space in the last couple of days. Even if companies could have the records, it would cost a lot of time and effort to keep records of every visitor coming in and out of the facility every single day. 

When organisations invest in visitor management software that gives them the option to record details of every single visitor in no amount of time, even tedious tasks like contact tracing can be successfully done in case of infection. With options like self-declaration form and thermal scan, companies can better trace the person who is infected. With that knowledge, the management can warn the people he/she met and alert the concerned individuals to take proper precautions or get quarantined. 

Enhanced Workplace Productivity

The past three years have brought in a number of highs and lows for businesses and companies across the world and it would be apt to say that the last thing companies want is to shut down again. According to the government guidelines, however, if too many employees have had an infection, then all the employees would have to be quarantined. This means putting a lock on the front gate again, just like lockdown.

By bringing intelligent solutions onboard like a touchless visitor management solution, companies can ensure that the business is up and running at all times and the employee’s productivity remains intact. This, in turn, ensures that the company’s revenue is on the right track. Visitor management software can help companies in taking necessary precautions and put the first line of defence in full swing.

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